Relationship Counseling

1901549086Your relationship is in a cycle of conflict.

You feel like you’re always chasing your partner while they keep pulling away.

You try avoiding conflict altogether, thinking you’re “keeping the peace,” but inside, you’re dissatisfied and resentful.

Both of you feel misunderstood and unheard when another loud, heated argument breaks out.

If only they tried…

You want to address it, but you avoid bringing it up, thinking they won’t agree to couples therapy, or you’ve tried it already, and it hasn’t worked.

As a result, you wonder why these patterns keep repeating and how you can break free from them to create a healthier connection.

You wish you knew how to get your partner on board and meet you halfway because you long to foster a more secure and loving relationship.

2461659403You are not alone.

Many successful people come to me feeling stressed and disconnected in their relationships.

They’re burnt out and feeling underappreciated, and their relationships are plagued with conflict and distance.

These challenges are actually gateways to extraordinary change.

You don’t need your partner on board.

Here’s the cold, hard truth that you need to hear… You don’t need your partner on board to fix your relationship.

How do I know this? Not only have I helped my clients do this, I’ve done it for myself. (Listen to my story in the video below.)

My clients go from cycles of disconnection, blame, and resentment to warm, connected, deeply fulfilling relationships that transform their lives and their family’s lives.

The best part is that they do this without their partner present, so there are no awkward couple sessions or lengthy conversations about the past, or rehashing old arguments.

Learning to recognize your patterns.

Through our work together, you will discover simple techniques that will empower you to completely transform your relationship.

You will learn to recognize your own conflict patterns in relationships so that you can pinpoint exactly where and how your feelings are triggered.

This is so important because it empowers you with the knowledge to approach conflicts with the capacity to repair them.

You have the power to transform your relationship.

It is possible to have the connection you want without dragging your partner to counseling sessions.

You have the power to transform your partnership all on your own.

Schedule a complimentary discovery call today and begin to deepen your intimacy and experience a fulfilling relationship!

Visit the podcast to listen to the full interview with Michelle.