Individual Online Therapy

1478235623You’re living your best life, yet something is missing…

You are a high achiever; accomplished and for the most part, you’ve got your shit together, and according to your social media profile, you are “killin’ it.”

What your “friends” and followers don’t see is that you constantly worry and second-guess yourself. You don’t feel like you’re where you should be in life.

After accomplishing all that you have, you’re still unfulfilled.

You feel like a fraud…

Imposter syndrome kicks in, and now you’re constantly comparing yourself to others, and you never seem to measure up.

When you are always worrying, doubting yourself, overthinking everything, and afraid of exposure, it takes a toll on you.

What’s worse, is you can’t talk about it with the people you feel closest to.

Your relationships, self-confidence, and health pay the cost.

The struggle is real, and it’s okay to admit it…

You’ve been doing everything you can think of to pull yourself out of this unsettling struggle.

You read self-help books, listen to inspiring podcasts, and put suggestions into practice to find the missing pieces that will fill that empty space. But, it just feels like a band-aid.

You’ve tried to fix this on your own, and it’s not working; you need to try something different.

Individual Img 2Don’t worry about “looking good…”

I create a space where you’ll feel comfortable, relaxed, and free. Like being with your closest friend and confidant, chatting over a cup of coffee.

In this relaxed conversation, I’ll lead you to open your eyes to different ways of seeing and thinking that cause you to shift your mindset.

This mindset shift allows you to break through your barriers and see new ways of being and acting that come naturally to you.

Even if you’ve been in therapy before, you haven’t done this…

I use a customized approach, which is my own hybrid model of therapy and solution-focused coaching so that you can experience immediate relief while doing deep work.

The work I do is more than just giving you tools and skills for you to learn because, let’s face it, all the tips you’ve learned from books and podcasts haven’t made a difference.

Consider that you can’t change this because the solution is like a missing puzzle piece that you can’t find. The puzzle piece is actually behind you, underneath the couch. In other words, it’s in your blind spot.

Discovery causes transformation…

In our work, I’ll lead you in a conversation designed to get you up, turn your head, and lay your cheek on the floor so you can see that little piece under the couch.

The moment you see for yourself what’s in your blind spot, there will be a natural shift for you. You will automatically pick up that puzzle piece and everything will fall into place when you complete the whole picture.

Same as when you try to change lanes on the highway and discover another car in your blind spot. Your reaction is immediate, and you course correct without even thinking about it.

That natural shift transforms our view and changes our thinking.

”We cannot solve our problems using the same thinking we had when we created them”

– Albert Einstein

1751370539Discover your missing piece and experience your missing peace…

Discover a new way to experience yourself and your life that doesn’t just look good on IG.

Feel good in your soul! Create profound and lasting change.

Schedule a complimentary discovery call today and experience yourself feeling on the inside, the way you present yourself on the outside: confident, at ease, happy, and free!