My Approach

Client Testimonials

“I have only had 2 sessions with Michelle and she so easily connected situations in my life that I’ve never noticed before. I am already seeing a difference by just being more educated with my thoughts and feelings. I am excited to further continue my sessions with Michelle.”

-L.L., October 2020

“I feel like she just gets how to get through to me.”

-R.M., December 2022

“Michelle has helped me think differently and more productively about my struggles and anxieties.”

-M.F., February 2023

“[Michelle] is very knowledgeable abs also very down to earth and easy to talk to.”

-N.S., March 2023

“She was direct and upfront with me needing to address my feelings more instead of rambling about what I’m physically doing problem-solving. I needed to hear that.”

-J.V., June 2023

”I really value our sessions. Michelle is a great coach in helping me not only visualize what it is that I want to focus on in my daily life in an authentic way but also provides tools and guidance on ways to get there.”

-E.R., August 2023

“I appreciate how good she is at listening it’s helpful for me when I get to just let it all out. I’d like some more coaching intertwined throughout our sessions; I really find it valuable.”

-A.K., September 2023

“Michelle is a great listener and helpful in working with me on how to overcome my struggles and moving forward in strengthening my relationship skills, thereby reducing my fears and stress levels.”

-T.P., June 2024


You wish you could turn off the constant worry and overthinking so that you can relax and enjoy life.

As you’ve searched for answers, though, you’ve been inundated with self-help books, podcasts, TED talks, blogs, social media, and a vast pool of information about how to manage your stress and anxiety.

All the information you get, the tips, tricks, and techniques you learn, is good information to have. It provides something, but it doesn’t always make a real, lasting difference when it comes to what you care about.

This is more than just a different, better version of therapy.

The work I do is more than just giving you tools and skills but also shifting your mindset so that you use them because, let’s face it, knowing something doesn’t mean you’re doing something.

Even if you do, it may work for a while, but eventually, you go back to old patterns.

For example, you may know how to lose weight, but that doesn’t mean you’re actually doing what it takes to reach your goal weight.

There is something in your way of losing that last 10 pounds or keeping the weight you did lose off.

You might think you know what is stopping you, but consider that if you knew what was in your way, you would’ve been able to overcome it.

You can’t do anything about what you’re not aware of.

Sounds awesome! Now, how do we do that?

My job as your coach is to lead you in a conversation and ask questions designed to get you to turn your head so that you can see what’s in your blind spot for yourself.

The moment you see one of your blind spots, there will be a natural shift for you.

Discovery is a very powerful tool for transformation and much more effective than just giving you information or teaching you a skill or technique.


When you discover something, you don’t have to learn it or remember information.

You don’t learn to ride a bike by having it explained to you or knowing the steps involved in riding. You’ve got to get on the bike and discover how to balance.

When you discover balance, your reaction is immediate and automatic. Suddenly, you are a bike rider.

That’s how transformation works.

The best of both worlds: therapy and coaching combined

Throughout our work, you’ll learn practical tools that enable you to manage your emotions and deal with negative thoughts and feelings so that you have immediate symptom relief.

This allows you to have the confidence and focus to be able to do the deeper work required to cause a transformation and experience profound change.


Your world shifts, and you start acting in new ways that didn’t occur to you before. This is a lasting change.

Once you have balance, it stays with you forever. That’s why they say you never forget how to ride a bike.

Click the link to schedule a complimentary discovery call and get ready to transform your life!